Advanced Arabic Morphology
شرح شافية ابن الحاجب للرضي الإستراباذي رحمهم الله
Understanding Sarf is vital towards understanding the Arabic language, and is the primary tool for understanding and developing vocabulary. Knowledge of Sarf enables one to understand the meanings of word patterns and the relationships between them, as well as provide one with the ability to do qiyas (analyze and compare), and also contemplate and appreciate word choice in the Quran. At a more basic level, knowing Sarf enables one to utilize an Arabic dictionary and understand classical works that assume the reader has knowledge of Sarf.
The selected text, the Sharh of Al Radiy Al Istirabathy for Ibn Hajib’s Shafiyah, is one of the most expansive and popular texts dedicated to sarf. While Al Radiy has benefited from a number sources in his presentation of the topics, we will also be taking from other supplementary works as we go through the book.
Who is the author?
محمد بن الحسن الرضي الاستراباذي (؟ – 684هـ أو 686هـ)، هو نحويٌّ وعالم لغة من بلدة استراباذ في طبرستان، يُعدُّ الرضي من أشهر علماء النَّحو على مرِّ العصور، وكثيراً ما يُستَشَهد بآرائه، ونظراً لمكانته لُقِّبَ ب”نجم الأئمّة”. من أشهر مؤلفاته “شرح كافية ابن الحاجب” في النَّحو و”شرح شافية ابن الحاجب” في التصريف.
One Term
An in-depth study of Advanced Arabic Morphology (Sarf).
Having studied any introductory Sarf class or book (basic level morphology such as knowing what is ism al fa’il, ism al maf’ul, sifah, ism al tafdil, and masdar etc.)
About Your Instructor:
Starting October 24, 2021
Every Sunday
9pm Makkah | 7pm UK | 2pm EST 1pm CST | 11am PST*
* (Times will change due to daylight saving time but the Makkah time will remain the same as Makkah has no daylight saving time)
20 Sessions
Classes will be recorded and made available to students.
Students will also join a student group to have access to the instructor to engage in discussion & ask questions.
Stay updated on social media – @thelegacyi
Questions or Inquiries, please email:
*This course is not refundable.
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